Health risks
MMR Typhoid fever Chikungunya Cholera COVID-19 Dengue fever Diphtheria DTP Ebola Yellow fever Shingles Flu Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Altitude sickness Human papillomavirus (HPV) Influenza A Japanese encephalitis Whooping cough Lassa fever Legionella Malaria Meningococcal disease Mpox Pneumococci Polio Rabies Travellers' diarrhoea Rotavirus Schistosomiasis STI – Chlamydia STI - Gonorrhoea STI - Hepatitis B STI - HIV and AIDS STI - Syphilis STI - Viral infections Tick-borne encephalitis Tetanus Tuberculosis Viral meningitis Bird flu Chickenpox West Nile fever Zika virus
Health risks

Pneumococcus is a type of bacterium that can lead to various symptoms. These symptoms together are known as pneumococcal disease or pneumococcosis. Many people carry these bacteria in their nose or throat and they can spread from one person to another. In healthy individuals, pneumococci typically do not cause illness. However, the risk of illness is increased in young children, elderly, smokers, those recently affected by influenza, and people without a spleen.
You can become infected with pneumococcal bacteria by inhaling them. Healthy people carry these bacteria in their nose or throat. When someone coughs or sneezes, tiny droplets containing the bacteria are released into the air. The bacteria can also be passed on through kissing or shaking hands. Young children under the age of three are particularly susceptible to infections, as are older adults and those with weakened immune systems. Infections can often be effectively treated with antibiotics, although more severe cases may require hospitalisation. Generally, people completely recover from this disease.
Where do pneumococci occur?
Pneumococci are found all over the world, including in the Netherlands. Especially young children and individuals aged 60 and above are at risk. Each year, approximately 10,000 people of all ages in the Netherlands are hospitalised due to pneumococcal disease.
What are the symptoms?
In most healthy individuals, pneumococci do not cause inflammation. However, those who do become ill often notice the first symptoms within one to three days. The symptoms can vary, ranging from mild respiratory infections to more severe infections:
- Inflammation of the middle ear (otitis media)
- Nasal sinusitis
- Pneumonia, which may include chills, high fever, and pain when breathing
- Meningitis
- Blood poisoning
- In babies: drowsiness and irritability
- In children: fever convulsions and vomiting
How to prevent pneumococcal dissease?
Since 2006, all children have been vaccinated against pneumococci as part of the National Immunisation Programme. This vaccination protects children against severe pneumococcal infections. For the risk groups mentioned earlier, who are more likely to get pneumococcal infections, vaccination might also be considered. At KLM Health Services, you can get this vaccination. You can make an appointment here. Furthermore, the spread of infections can be limited by taking measures when coughing and sneezing, and by always washing hands thoroughly.
More information
Would you like to know more about pneumococci? Please visit the RIVM information page: Pneumococci | RIVM.
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Would you like an appointment for vaccinations?
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