Health risks
MMR Typhoid fever Chikungunya Cholera COVID-19 Dengue fever Diphtheria DTP Ebola Yellow fever Shingles Flu Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Altitude sickness Human papillomavirus (HPV) Influenza A Japanese encephalitis Whooping cough Lassa fever Legionella Malaria Meningococcal disease Mpox Pneumococci Polio Rabies Travellers' diarrhoea Rotavirus Schistosomiasis STI – Chlamydia STI - Gonorrhoea STI - Hepatitis B STI - HIV and AIDS STI - Syphilis STI - Viral infections Tick-borne encephalitis Tetanus Tuberculosis Viral meningitis Bird flu Chickenpox West Nile fever Zika virus
Health risks

Diphtheria is a highly contagious disease caused by the bacterium Corynebacterium diphtheriae. This bacterium produces a toxin that can damage human tissue. The bacteria can be transmitted through coughing or by direct contact. Other related bacteria, such as Corynebacterium ulcerans and Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis, can also cause diphtheria as they produce a similar toxin.
Where does diphtheria occur?
Diphtheria is present worldwide.
What are the symptoms?
The symptoms of diphtheria mainly depend on where the infection happens. The bacterium harms the tissue where it grows. If the diphtheria bacterium infects the nose, the symptoms are often mild and complications are rare. However, if it infects the breathing system, the disease can be much more serious. The time between getting the infection and showing symptoms is usually between two to five days, but not more than a week.
Symptoms of a diphtheria infection may include:
- High fever
- Breathing difficulties
- Damage to heart muscle
- Difficulty swallowing
- Reduced vision
- Paralysis of eye muscles
- Paralysis of the arms and legs
- Skin ulcers
How to prevent diphtheria?
Vaccination offers strong protection against this serious illness. The vaccine helps to make sure that if you do get the disease, it won’t be as severe. People who are fully vaccinated rarely die from diphtheria. Since the 1950s, this vaccination has been part of the National Immunisation Programme. The diphtheria vaccine is usually given together with vaccines for tetanus, polio, and, when you are a child, whooping cough. This combination vaccine is called the DTaP/IPV vaccination. If you are going to a country where diphtheria is common, you might need a booster vaccination. You can make an appointment for a diphtheria vaccination at KLM Health Services.
More information
Would you like to know more about diphtheria? Please visit the RIVM information page: Diphtheria | RIVM.
Would you like an appointment for vaccinations?
Make an appointment online within a few minutes.
Would you like an appointment for vaccinations?
Make an appointment online within a few minutes.