Ecuador vaccinations: which ones do you need?

26 May 2015 ecuador vaccinations klm health services Are you leaving for Equador soon? After reading our travel advice about Ecuador, you will know better how to prepare yourself for your trip. Which specific precautions Ecuador requires will amongst others depend on your trip and the length of your stay in this country. Ecuador is is a country in northwestern South America, bordered... Read more

Colombia vaccinations: which ones do you need?

26 May 2015 vaccinations colombia klm health services Are you planning to travel to Colombia? After reading our travel advice for this country, you will have more information regarding your travel preparations. Which specific vaccinations and precautions Colombia requires depends on your trip and the length of your stay in this country. Colombia is located in the northwest of South America and has... Read more

Chile vaccinations: which ones do you need?

26 May 2015 vaccinations chile klm health services Are you leaving for Chile soon? After reading our travel advice about this country, you will have more information regarding your travel preparations. Which specific vaccinations and precautions Chile requires depends on your trip and the length of your stay in this country. Chile is an elongated country with varying climates: a desert climate in... Read more

Brazil vaccinations: which ones do you need?

26 May 2015 vaccinations brazil klm health services Are you leaving for Brazil soon? After reading our travel advice about this country, you will know better how to prepare yourself for your trip. Which specific precautions and vaccinations Brazil requires will amongst others depend on your trip and the length of your stay in this country. Brazil is the largest country in South America and... Read more

Bolivia vaccinations: which ones do you need?

26 May 2015 vaccinations bolivia klm health services Are you leaving for Bolivia soon? This page offers travel advice and informs you about vaccinations for Bolivia. In most cases vaccinations are not mandatory, unless you come from a country where yellow fever is prevalent. Which vaccinations you require, depends on your travel itinerary. It is good to know in advance which regions you... Read more

Argentina vaccinations: which ones do you need?

26 May 2015 vaccinations argentina klm health services Are you travelling to Argentina soon? After reading our travel advice about this country, you will know better how to prepare yourself for your trip. Which specific precautions and vaccinations Argentina requires will, amongst other things, depend on your trip and the length of your stay in this country. Getting vaccinated is not mandatory, however... Read more